449 Recovery is an addiction clinic located in Viejo, California. They serve people from all over the country. They have an excellent reputation, which is evident in the large number of people who have trusted the facility since they employ 100% trained staff to serve patients with severe addiction problems.
449 Recovery has the capacity to attend to any addictive problem, be it drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism, and the most uncontrollable manias. Likewise, they take care that the addict never relapses that has caused him or her inconvenience.
449 Recovery has professional team members and high-level facilities to treat addicts. They offer a number of benefits for treatments as they follow time-tested processes:
- People prepared for this work are expert doctors, therapists, and psychologists.
- They have facilities where they can intern the addict, taking him away from the environment that causes his addiction.
- They have everything necessary to monitor the patient’s recovery process.
- They attend to the cause that triggers the addictive process. In this way, they avoid relapses that cause people to return to addiction.
- They know that there are addictions that generate a strong withdrawal syndrome. One of the mainstays of their treatment is to avoid these withdrawal issues.
At 449 Recovery, they keep communication with the patient open even after the treatment is finished since they are interested in knowing how the patients that they have helped go along in their life afterward. After all, addiction can return at any time.
Each patient receives treatment according to their unique case since they don’t believe in generic treatments. They know that every addiction is different, so the first thing they do is a deep study of each patient. Above all, they are interested in knowing the causes for which the person has fallen into addiction in order to deduce a specific treatment.
One of the mistakes in many addiction rehabs is that they treat all patients equally; all people who have the same addictive condition are treated with the same formula. For example, they make all nicotine addicts repeat the same process of eliminating this substance and smoking. It is a grave mistake that doesn’t take place at 449 Recovery. All patients have their peculiarities. So, understanding each patient and addiction is the key to rehab treatment.
- Their rehab facility does a very professional job. To do this, they carry out a correct diagnosis and treatment and care for the patient with the following considerations:
- Investigate the causes of addiction in each patient.
- Know in what degree of addiction they are, i.e., initial, severe, in withdrawal syndrome, or in a relapse.
- Treating a patient who has just started an addiction is not the same as treating another who has been immersed in this problem for years.
- Avoid relapse and withdrawal syndrome.
At 449 Recovery, treatments to attend addiction problems are considered the best. Likewise, they are capable of dealing with the most varied addictive processes. Don’t let any addiction get you out of control with professional help.