In 1995, the phrase “internet addiction” was first used, although it was supposed to be humorous, and it was not considered a serious issue. People who would check their emails frequently may have claimed to be internet addicts because having access to the internet at home was a relatively recent trend.
Psychologists and psychiatric professionals are already engaged in a hot debate over the idea of online addiction, which may one day be recognized as a legitimate mental health issue.
Mental health specialists are now being sought out by people who struggle to set realistic boundaries for their internet usage (such as online gambling, shopping, video games, chatting, and browsing).
The following considerations should be made by anyone looking for effective internet addiction therapy from a professional psychologist or a therapist.
If at all feasible, go with a professional that focuses on treating internet, video game, or online addiction. The psychiatric community is still quite new to the treatment of internet addiction, but the number of requests for assistance is rising daily. Finding a psychologist with any experience treating this type of addiction and one who specialized in this type of treatment would have been quite challenging a few years ago. But now, there are more professionals than ever, and many of them are developing expertise in treating internet addiction.
What if there isn’t a therapist pertaining to internet addiction?
Select a professional who has experience treating addictions to other substances, particularly gambling addiction. The psychological factors driving excessive gambling habits are more akin to those underlying the many types of internet addiction than they are to other types of addiction. Additionally, it might be simpler to adapt the methods used to treat gambling addiction to assist those who are hooked to the internet.
Even if the psychologist does not specialize in treating internet addiction, think about picking one who is more familiar with the technologies connected with internet addiction. One in the 30s is highly likely to know much in this area, yet hiring a younger one does not guarantee that he or she will be conversant with the technology. It is crucial that psychologist possesses a working knowledge of contemporary technologies. Naturally, there is a trade-off because younger ones often have less experience than those who have been in practice for a long time.
Pick the one who takes this issue gravely and who does not instantly discount unhealthy online behaviors as the mere manifestation of a more significant psychological problem. In addition to being a contributing factor to other problems (such as depression), excessive online behavior can also result in and coexist with other illnesses. It is important to remember that internet addiction is not always a sign of another condition.
Choose the one who bases their work mostly on a cognitive-behavioral approach. To put it briefly, it is a type of treatment that largely relies on empirical validation, challenging unhelpful cognitive patterns, and putting behavioral therapies into practice. CBT has typically been regarded as the preferred method for treating internet addiction.