Many want to know why we need Twitter. Like a number of other social networks on the internet, Twitter has gained popularity all over the world. A large number of people tweet daily and their friends will comment on these tweets. However, Twitter fans should know that even though the company has been around for a number of years, it has happened without any real return or result. The CEO of Twitter still believes that they will be able to turn off the website for a flourishing business.
We think the CEO generally says that they are not aiming for optimization of short-term earnings, but their goal is to look forward and plan for long-term success. So why do we need Twitter? Many fans would say that it is for recreation, in a way that allows them to let time pass them by. Reading tweets from other individuals can be very informative. It can be almost as effective as knowing someone you have not met during your lifetime.
Many famous people are on Twitter as well. Some of them will post their favorite activities on Twitter and a common activity for celebrities is charity features. This is basically a way that the big names in the entertainment industry can let their Twitter followers know what charities they help. There are times when they need to reach out to wealthy individuals who can be willing to give charity donations. Twitter has become an important method of information dissemination.
Ways in the world have definitely changed. Most people do not leave their homes without stuff in their bags and mobile phone and iPods are the must-have items to carry wherever they are. At the same level, people now love Twitter. They will log in to the site first as in the morning, during their breaks at work, and before going to bed.
Twitter has already become a part of the daily routine for a large number of people. People who do not use Twitter would probably say it’s ridiculous. It’s a website where people can say what they want to say, and shout out to the whole world what they want in life and what they want to achieve in the future. For a large number of people, Twitter is part of their everyday lives. They breathe, live and use it every day.
There are moments when some people do not realize the extent of the use of Twitter and other social networks when it comes to immediately publishing articles and texts. Social networking sites have gained favor in the eyes of many politicians, especially at voting times. Twitter is another way for politicians to make people aware of their successes in both life and state service alongside their plans for tomorrow. Just like companies whose Twitter advertising is aimed at attracting more customers and followers, politicians advertise campaigns aiming to gain the trust and affection of people.
One of the best things about technology is that people can access their Twitter accounts even on their mobile phones. If you are constantly reading tweets from a particular person and they do not have their laptop with them, they can only get their mobile phone and sign in to Twitter. Twitter can now be easily used on almost all mobile phones. This is one of the reasons why people also buy twitter followers cheap so that they can gain more exposure to their tweets.