The first two Legendary Pokémon are already available in Pokémon GO. They are Articuno and Lugia and today we are going to explain how you can capture them and some tricks to make it easier for you.
Once the Pokémon GO Fest was finished in Chicago, the legendary Pokémon became available worldwide, albeit to a limited extent. For starters, there will be only two, at least in the beginning. This is Lugia and Articuno, two legendary birds that you can already catch.
After months of rumors and a festival that turned out to be a complete disaster, Niantic has decided to make the players available to the first legendary Pokémon GO, though you cannot catch them so easily. Here we will guide you to catch them and give you some tips and tricks to defeat and then capture Articuno and Lugia.
The first two special creatures to reach the game cannot be caught normally, which was to be expected. None of the two birds appear as you walk through your city, but you will have to fight against them.
It is a mechanic much more similar to the original games, in which you have to fight against each Pokémon to weaken it and then capture it.
The way to capture Lugia and Articulo in Pokémon GO is to defeat them in the big incursions. These raids are Level 5, exclusive to the Legendary. So far the strongest rivals were Level 4.
If weakening a Charizard was already difficult, with these two creatures, it will be even more. Easily featured with more than 30,000 PCs, so you will have no choice but to team up with the other players if you want to have a chance.
Once you manage to weaken it, the form of capture is the usual. You go to the bonus, in which you have a series of special Pokéballs to catch these Legendary Pokémon.
Tricks to Defeat and Catch Lugia and Articuno
We have said that these two creatures are especially powerful, how could it be otherwise? As strong as your team’s Pokémon are, your options are zero if you face them alone.
The solution to this problem, as simple as it may seem, is to attack these Legendary Pokémon with more people. Unfortunately, the number of players has dropped a lot during the last year, so it is not so easy to gather several friends to go together for a raid.
What you can do is go to the places in your city where there are more PoképStops and gyms. This ensures that there are at least several more people to defeat Lugia and Articuno. Another key is to resort in legendary raids to strong Pokémon types against these two creatures.