People with Low Self-Esteem
Generally, when a person does not realize their own worth, happiness, and self-value, addictive behaviors can offer a sense of euphoria, relief, and power. Many people suffering from low self-esteem receive happiness from an outside source rather than from within, and this opens the door for wanting a higher reward when engaging in enjoyable and pleasant behaviors.
Those Suffering from Guilt, Trauma, and Loss
In some cases, repressed trauma or the loss of a loved one can cause inner turmoil when unaddressed. There can also be pent-up guilt over transgressions that can be devastating. When the reason for the turmoil is identifiable, it is easier for some individuals to “escape” through addictive behaviors. Pain and depression caused by suffering can open the door for addictive behaviors. When these events occur, there is a continuous desire to want to “escape” the reality of the problem.
Those with Poor Communication and Social Skills
One of the most effective methods of solving problems is communication. This is a life-sustaining skill, and socialization is vital to human survival. Those that have yet to develop communication skills have difficulty conveying how they feel and what they need or desire. The inability to cope with life’s problems and find the path to happiness can cause an increase in addictive behavior. The lack of communication and social skills can weaken self-esteem and cause stress that has no positive outlet. This type of stress can easily lead to engaging in isolating behaviors such as cutting, internet usage, gambling, and gaming.
Behavioral Addiction Treatment and Prevention
When a person suffers from addiction, there is typically a basic cause for the behavior. Addiction can develop for a number of reasons. Similar to drugs and alcohol, the most effective method of overcoming addiction is to understand the root of the problem. It is important to understand that behavioral addiction is usually a symptom of deep, underlying issues. These issues can drive an individual to engage in compulsive and destructive behaviors. For that reason, it is crucial to help the person and heal the mind. More importantly, the body and spirit need healing.
When dealing with behavioral addiction, it is vital to implement the required tools to feel empowered. Awareness of the addiction and understanding the root cause can help reclaim a cheerful and healthy life. Although there are many causes of behavioral addiction, these problems can be overcome with individualized treatment. This type of treatment is most effective because it helps to understand the specific problem an individual may have. This treatment is beneficial because it is specifically tailored to the individual. Individualized treatment helps understand the individual’s personal belief systems and preferences.
It is important to note that many behaviors can be addictive, and in order to avoid these dangerous behaviors, a person has to maintain control. Although there is not a specific factor that decides if someone becomes an addict, there are similar traits to pay attention to that are universal to addiction. When an individual loses control of his or her impulses, this opens the door to addiction. Overcoming a behavioral addiction requires significant insight and understanding in order to effectively heal the individual.