At present, the website owners are worried about their SEO positioning.Some focusing on their content have seen how gaining position in the search engine over time;but others, acting more skillfully, do so in just weeks or months.
In fact, the secret of success does not exist, since Google algorithm continually changes. The purpose of these changes is to satisfy the end-user, making the search most related to his/her search queries without thinking about the impact it may have on the pages as Google serves the visitors to bring the best information and not the creators of that information.
The links and keywords people
For years SEO has been considered an art and getting links at all cost and multiply keywords as much as possible was a strategy that worked to get a good position for a webpage.However, the golden era ended of this regular practice.Google decided it should do something if it wanted to deliver quality results, changing its mechanical to pages and links to let the pages reach to the top of results which deserved it I the eyes of Google and this is where Panda came in 2011 whose aim has been to bring the content to people, making the human-oriented results.
This does not mean that some parameters such as website URL, title or code of a web page are no longer important. On the contrary, they remain fundamental in achieving a good position, but not all that counts as quality content is essential.
The Role of Social Networks
That social networks have gained popularity in recent years is an indisputable fact. Obviously, this cannot go unnoticed for a seeker given that much of the information cooked in them. Articles, videos or images are shared, discussed and talked about them. As such, it would be illogical for a content that runs viral but does not appear in a search engine algorithm, so it is totally normal that Google has decided to give importance to what is shared in social networks when providing search results.
The Hearing All
Although the title and the technical aspects have influence on social networks, the audience seems to have become one of the main values of Google positioning. A loyal audience, who returns to the site, is a guarantee of quality content and that shares content on social networks, specifically have more importance in search for Google, hence, the chances of success of a website increase.
This clever strategy has enabled pages without good technical optimization achieve better results in search engines, demonstrating the growing importance of relevant content. Therefore, with such tough criterion, a qualified SEO company Dubai can be the only solution for you to achieve greater rankings.