Skype is a very useful application when it comes to communication with people who live over a hundred and thousand miles away from us. It was launched in 2003, before that it was impossible for people to even think of this level of video calls. Now approximately 300 million people use Skype for their day to day communication with their peers and loved ones. This is a very large amount of people this means that all of these users are somehow exposed to the risk of Skype resolving.
Many users of Skype are oblivious to this Skype resolving. Now what is Skype resolving? It is when your IP address is exposed to anyone who has knowledge of your user ID. The IP address is the address based on numbers divided in four parts. Each part has its own significance. This address is different for each device, which distinct one device from another. The internet protocol address allows any user to surf the internet and communicate with many different devices over the internet.
Well Skype resolving is an issue because any unknown person can retrieve your IP address without your knowledge. There are some dangers to the users if they want to keep their activities on the internet discrete. Also people can get a hint of your location by your IP address, and anyone can keep track of all the actions you perform on the internet. So if you want to stay safe from cyber stalking, then it is important to use Skype resolvers.
There are many software and tools available on the internet which helps a user to resolve Skype resolving. One of them is IP stresser.
Now this IP stresser is for stress testing of web servers to see if they crash or slow down due to excessive work load. Different type of work load are put on the testing websites to analyze their crash points and see how much network traffic is required for it to function properly and to find the solution to improve the working of the website 24/7. This IP stresser gives a free trial period to gain trust of the future customer. This software guarantees 99% of output power in the process of stress testing. It also works on 4 layer and 7 layer scripts. The 4 layer script is made up of DRDoS, UDP, UDP-lag, SYN and the 7 layer script consists of RUDY, Slowloris and ARME. They also have a feature to customize the script and code so that if the customer is need of any high advancement techniques then he is able to complete the stress testing without any hindrance.
So if you complete the purchase of IP stresser, then you can avail all the features which it has to offer. You can use it for stress testing of website, more importantly keeping yourself IP address safe from Skype resolvers so you can do online surfing without leaving your traces all over the internet preventing any cyber criminals from following you. Use this IP stresser next time you need one.